Our CRC Facilitators teaching the children.....
Childline Seraikela-Kharsawa, Meeting with Volunteers
Flower Cultivation,
Training Program on Mushroom Cultivation.
Meeting with villegers on Nutrition
TRCSC has set-up a 4 hectors model nursery to meet the requirement of sufficient quantity of fruits and vegetable sapli ...
Read moreTRCSC has set-up a mushroom spawn production laboratory cum training center at Dimna, Jamshedpur for supplying ..
Read moreTechnology Resource Communication & Service Center (TRCSC) is a development organization has been registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 committed for the progress of the rural communities through scientific intervention and empowerment of the people to bring meaningful and lasting positive changes of the rural marginalized population irrespective of caste, colour, sex, religion and origin. TRCSC was established in the year 2002 and as a registered Charitable and non-profit making Trust on 27th November 2004, located at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. TRCSC is also a capacity building organization form and promote community based organizations (CBOs), network with Grassroot NGOs, Link with Government, Corporate and Oversees development agencies to ensure participatory development and learning towards improved quality of life of the disadvantage communities. TRCSC family is a sincere, dedicated & professional group in different disciplines, committed for sustained development of poor and downtrodden communities. Our Advisors are also highly professional; always help us for organization's growth & expansion for the noble cause.